
In-Home Care: How it Can Help You

What is in-home care?

In-home care covers a broad range of services depending on your needs – everything from help with household chores to nursing care.

Whichever services you choose, the ultimate purpose of in-home care remains the same. In-home care is designed to support your independence by helping you manage your health and household.

Who provides in-home care?

There are many providers of in-home care in Australia. Each one has its own ethos and its own ways of operating and delivering care. Each one sets its own costs too.

However, they should all comply with the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission’s  regulations and quality standards.

If you already have a provider, remember, you can always change providers or services if you need to.

About Focused Health Care

Focused Health Care is an experienced provider of in-home care. We delight in lifting the burden of everyday tasks so you can save your energy for the things you enjoy.

We’re run by Registered Nurses, meaning we operate from a deep understanding of your care needs and a deep compassion for you.

Our clients tell us that being with Focused Health Care is a refreshing change from rigid, bureaucratic providers. We’re an agile family business with client-driven policies like a 1-hour minimum shift that enables you to spread a few hours of care over several days rather than be forced to use it all up in one morning.

We also believe that in-home care works best if you like your carers. We try hard to match you with carers whose company you’re likely to enjoy. And then we send you the same two or three carers so you can build a relationship with them and feel comfortable with them being in your home.

How can in-home care help you?

In-home care helps look after your home, your wellbeing and your community connections. It also supports your loved ones when they need a break. Here’s how it works.

Your place

Maintaining your home takes a lot of ongoing work. Cleaning surfaces and floors, changing bed sheets, washing dishes, and keeping everything in good repair demands energy that you might now prefer to spend on more enjoyable activities. In-home care frees you up.

You can ask Focused Health Care to help you with:

  • Cleaning your house
  • Cleaning your pet space
  • Shopping
  • Home-cooked meals
  • Arranging lawn mowing, gutter cleaning or other maintenance
  • Arranging for tradies to complete minor repairs.

Your health and wellbeing

Maintaining yourself can be a fair bit of work too! You might be living with several medical conditions with medicine to take at different times. You may have daily exercises you’re supposed to do to help maintain your mobility or as rehab after an injury or surgery. If you’re not steady on your feet anymore, you may value help with bathing or dressing from a carer you trust. In-home care helps with all that.

Focused Health Care supports your health and wellbeing by:

  • Providing personal care such as showering and dressing
  • Providing nursing care such as dispensing medication or changing dressings
  • Arranging for hairdressing or grooming
  • Connecting you to allied health professionals (physios, occupational therapists, podiatrists etc)
  • Helping you do your physio or occupational therapy exercises.

Your community

Life is not meant to be lived in isolation but it can get harder to see people as you get older, especially if you’re not driving anymore.

Focused Health Care provides transport (at a per km fee) to get you to appointments and social engagements to keep you connected to your community. We can also arrange COVID-safe outings.

Your family

If your health has declined, your family may be helping you by staying overnight, preparing meals or doing chores. Sometimes, though, they need a break. Respite care is designed to support you by providing the care you need which supports them by enabling them to take a breather.

Focused Health Care provides respite care that allows your loved ones to take a break. We’ll provide personal care, meal preparation and social activities for you and even stay overnight if necessary. It can make a huge difference to your family.

Like to know more about in-home care?

Hopefully that’s given you a sense of how in-home care could help you. If you’d like to learn more, then we’d love to chat with you. Please call us at Focused Health Care on 1300 201 351 or contact us here.



All information is general in nature.

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